Mandatory Requirements

For students who have been placed on scholastic warning or probation, or who have been subject to dismissal, the University has instituted several requirements to support their future academic success.

Mandatory Student Actions Additional Information

Students must plan to take no more than 14 credits of classes in the probationary semester.

Students who are registered for more than 14 credits after the 10th day of classes will have their schedules revised by the University.
Academic Success Plan (ASP):

Students must complete an Academic Success Plan (ASP). Students will not be able to register for courses for the following semester until they have completed the ASP and met with an Academic Success Advisor. An SSH (Scholastic Standing) hold will placed on student accounts until they have completed these requirements.  Students will not be able to register for courses for the following semester until they have completed the ASP and met with an Academic Success Advisor. The Academic Success Advisor lifts the SSH hold once the ASP is completed and the meeting with the Academic Success Advisor has taken place. 

Link to the Academic Success Plan form here
Mandatory Academic Success Meeting:

After completing the Academic Success Plan (ASP), students are required to meet with an Academic Success Advisor in their academic advising or student services center to discuss the implementation of their academic success plan.  Students will not be able to register for courses for the following semester until they have completed the ASP and met with an Academic Success Advisor.

Academic Success Advisor contacts:


Regional Campuses

Outreach and Engagement:

Students are encouraged to connect with offices on campus who can support their academic success goals.

Go to the Advising website for a list of academic and other student support services available. Your Academic Success Advisor can also help you identify the resources most appropriate for you.

Additional Important Information to Keep in Mind

  • Students who become subject to dismissal after failing to meet minimum academic standards for two consecutive semesters, and who appeal to remain at the University, will need to show that they have completed all parts of their Academic Success Plan.
  • Students who have learning challenges, mental health diagnoses, physical health ailments, or other circumstances which impact on their ability to be academically successful will need to provide evidence that they are registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). Should a student seek a late class withdrawal, or continuation at the University upon being subject to dismissal, these are considered academic accommodations and the University cannot support their request if they are not registered with the CSD.