Readmission after Academic Dismissal

Academic dismissal does not have to mean the end of your UConn undergraduate career.

Most—if not all—of our academically dismissed students are capable of doing college-level work and succeeding at UConn. However, they have often faced challenges that impacted their ability to succeed academically for a period of time. Others find that reflection on the alignment of their declared major and academic strengths is necessary, resulting in a change of major.

Readmitted students have reported that the time away from UConn was beneficial in helping them to address these challenges, leading to improved academic outcomes and preparing them to succeed at UConn once readmitted. 

When should I reapply after being dismissed?

You should reapply when you are ready—both academically and personally. Do not rush the process. While there are expectations for minimum time away as well as successful completion of academic coursework—taken either as a nondegree student at UConn or at another institution—we also encourage you to focus on the non-academic factors that may have contributed to your academic challenges. Readmission applications undergo a holistic review which begins with the Dean of Students Office and final decisions are made in consultation with deans’ designees in the respective school/college or regional campus.

Consult with your school/college or regional campus for more information about academic requirements and how to prepare for readmission after dismissal, as well as next steps once readmitted.

Note: Readmission after dismissal is neither automatic nor guaranteed and will be considered favorably only when a student’s readmission application indicates a strong probability for academic success. For more information, visit Returning to UConn.

Academic Renewal

If you have been away from UConn for four years or more, you may be eligible for academic renewal if readmitted. For more information, visit Returning to UConn.