Academic Standing Rules

Good Standing

A student who earns a 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA or higher is in good academic standing.

Academic Notice ("scholastic warning" or "probation" prior to November 2024)

A student who earns less than a 2.0 semester and/or cumulative GPA is on academic notice

    • As a result of recent bylaw changes, the academic standing of scholastic warning has been removed, and scholastic probation is now "academic notice" (November 2024). Students who had an academic standing of “scholastic warning” during the Fall 2024 semester (due to their previous semester grades) will not be eligible for academic dismissal at the end of the Fall 2024 semester. These students will be placed on academic notice for their next attended semester if they do not return to good standing. 
    • Students who are readmitted to UConn with a most recent academic standing of scholastic warning or probation will have a standing of “academic notice” for their returning semester. 

Subject to Dismissal

A student who fails to meet the minimum academic standards for two consecutively registered academic semesters (fall and spring semesters only) is subject to dismissal

    • No student with at least a 2.3 semester GPA after completing all courses for which they are registered at the end of a semester is subject to dismissal. The student will be continued on academic notice if such status is warranted, until both the semester and cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0. Note: The 2.3 semester GPA evaluation is based on the most recent semester only.
    • Students who are subject to dismissal are given an opportunity to submit an academic appeal to explain the circumstances that led to their academic difficulty. If a student does not submit an academic appeal by the published deadline, they will be automatically dismissed from the university. Critical Information for Students Subject to Dismissal


Students who have been dismissed from the university will have the academic standing of dismissed.  

    • Students will have this academic standing if they have been readmitted after academic dismissal for their returning semester.