Dismissal Appeal Process and Deadlines

Dismissal Appeal Deadline

  • The dismissal appeal form will be available beginning on Friday, December 27, 2024 (once email notifications are sent to students regarding their academic standings) and can be found here.  The deadline to submit an expedited international student appeal is Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 4:00 p.m., and the deadline to submit a regular appeal is Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.
  • Late appeals are NOT accepted. There are no exceptions, including not checking official UConn email or being out of the country at the close of the semester. Communications are sent regarding this process well in advance to allow students to prepare for the process. The university is able to verify exactly when academic standing and dismissal process communications are opened by a student.

Submitting an academic dismissal appeal:

Use the following link to submit an academic dismissal appeal: Academic Dismissal Appeal Form

Note the following before submitting your appeal: 

  1. Use a computer (laptop, desktop) to ensure that the appeal is received. If a cell phone is used, the appeal submission may not be successful.
  2. Students will not be able to submit an appeal until they have been officially notified that they are subject to dismissal. Students will be notified of their updated academic standings on Friday, December 27, 2024.

            Dismissal Appeal Questions

            Text of the dismissal appeal form is included below.

            To be best prepared in the event that you are subject to dismissal at the close of the semester, students are strongly encouraged to prepare a draft of the dismissal appeal form and obtain any necessary documentation prior to Friday, December 27, 2024. 

            • If you wish to appeal your dismissal decision, provide responses to the following prompts thoughtfully and thoroughly. Provide as many details about your strengths, challenges, and experiences this semester as you are able.
            • Review the dismissal appeal guidance resources on this website.
            1. Describe your academic successes and strengths this semester. What strategies did you employ that were the most effective in helping your success?
              **These might include strategies such as goal setting, time management, note-taking, joining a study group, etc.
            2. Summarize any significant academic challenges or specific hardships that you faced this semester that prevented you from improving your academic performance.
            3. Did you complete your Academic Success plan and meet with your academic success advisor (previously recovery advisor) in your advising or student services center this semester? Y/N
            4. If yes, when and how often (use specific dates when possible) did you meet with your advisor? What strategies and tools did you discuss implementing this semester to ensure your success?
            5. List all of the university resources that you employed this semester to help improve your academic performance. How often did you engage with each of these resources? Which were most effective in helping you succeed?
              **These might include resources, people, or things such as faculty members, office hours, mentors, the Academic Achievement Center (Storrs, Hartford, Waterbury), UConn Connects (Storrs, Hartford, Waterbury), Student Health and Wellness (SHaW), the Dean of Students Office, tutoring, or many other sources of support available at UConn. Please share specific dates, when possible.
            6. Would you be open to a change in major or move to the Academic Center for Exploratory Students (ACES) as a condition of your retention if your appeal is granted? If yes, please indicate the major or area(s) you would change to and the reason(s) why.
                • What is the most important strategy or immediate steps will you take next semester to effect change, improve your academic status, and build ongoing positive strategies into your plan?

                • If your appeal is granted and you are retained as a student at UConn, what specific supports and services do you need now to help you succeed? For example, UConn Connects (Storrs, Hartford, Waterbury), Student Health and Wellness (SHaW), Dean of Students Office, Rainbow Center (Storrs), Academic Achievement Center (Storrs, Hartford, Waterbury), etc.

                Dismissal Appeal Documentation

                • Students may upload up to 3 documents. If they have more than 3 documents that they wish to submit, they can scan and save them as a single document for upload.  All University of Connecticut libraries have scanners that you can access, but you can also use scanning tools on your mobile phone to upload documents.
                • Students who are not subject to University dismissal will not have access to the appeal form.
                  • If a student has received communication from their school/college about a "supplemental dismissal" from their major or program, or if they think they may be in academic jeopardy or have questions about their scholastic standing, they can contact their dean's advising office at Storrs or the Student Services director's office at their regional campus.
                • Once a students has completed their appeal, they will receive a confirmation email that will include a summary of the appeal. The email will not include a copy of the uploaded files.

                Please know while we will make every effort to review your appeal as soon as possible, it may not be reviewed immediately upon receipt.

                • Note that all University employees are mandated reporters of child abuse or child neglect. In addition, UConn employees have responsibilities to report to the Office of Institutional Equity student disclosures of sexual assault and related interpersonal violence; any information you submit in this appeal is subject to UConn reporting policies. If you feel you need more immediate assistance or support, we encourage you to reach out to the Dean of Students Office and/or Student Health and Wellness- Mental Health. In addition, if you have concerns related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and/or stalking, we encourage you to review the resources and reporting options available at https://titleix.uconn.edu

                Tips for a Successful Appeal

                This does not guarantee your retention at the university.

                • Ensure you submit your appeal by the published deadline. Late appeals are NOT accepted.
                  Fill out all sections of the appeal form. Take time to reflect on your answers and fully respond to each question.
                • Include a clear narrative of any additional factors and extenuating circumstances that led to your current academic status for full consideration in this process as well as any steps that you have taken to resolve any issues or improve your academic performance.
                  • Examples of additional factors or extenuating circumstances: illness, death in the family, mental health struggles, changes in living situation.
                  • A clear narrative does not require you to disclose all of the specifics of circumstances that you are not comfortable sharing.
                • Remember to include all pertinent documentation to support your appeal. This documentation should be on letterhead, where applicable.
                  • This might include:
                    • Medical documentation
                    • Letter from course instructors
                    • Other supporting documentation

                If you are having trouble filling out your appeal form or have any questions about what to include in your appeal, reach out to your academic advisor for assistance.


                Dismissal Appeal Resources