Summer and Winter

The following rules apply to dismissed student taking courses in the summer or winter.

  • Summer and winter sessions are not regular academic semesters and do not carry individual academic standings. 
    • Summer and winter courses can impact a student’s prior semester GPA when a course is taken for repeat forgiveness, and the new course grade replaces a previous grade for the same course. 
    • Summer and winter coursework can impact a student’s cumulative GPA. 
    • Courses taken during summer and winter intersessions do count towards any credit requirements that academic programs might require for readmission.
  • If a student is registered for a summer or winter course at the time of dismissal, the student will remain registered for the course.
    • Note: their status in these courses will be changed to “Non-degree”, and the courses and grades will appear on the non-degree section of their UConn transcript (i.e., students will earn non-degree credit for these courses).
    • IMPORTANT: A student’s dismissal will not result in being automatically dropped from these courses. The student must withdraw from courses by the drop deadline to receive a refund of course fees, otherwise they will be responsible for the full cost of any course which they remain registered for.
    • If a student wishes to drop any Summer or Winter Session course, it is the student’s responsibility to do so by the end of the add/drop period. Any questions may be directed to the Office of Summer and Winter Programs:
  • While students must wait until two weeks before the beginning of the semester to register for Fall and Winter courses, they can register for Summer and Winter courses at the same time as all other students. Go to Summer/Winter Programs for information on course offerings and registration dates.
  • When planning for readmission after dismissal, students must note that summer and winter sessions are not counted towards the minimum number of semesters that students must remain away after having been dismissed.