Guiding Principles

The University works hard to support students who are at academic risk. From the moment that a student is identified as being at risk, whether it is a mid-term grade warning, an academic warning, or being placed on probation, we take active steps to connect the student to the appropriate support services and resources on campus. Our goal is always to support the student. Sometimes this means working closely with the students as they resolve those issues that are causing their academic difficulties. For other students it involves counseling them out of an academic program for which they are not suited. For a few, it means dismissal from the University.

The decision to dismiss a student is not made lightly. We do a holistic review of the student’s progress at the University, looking at the circumstances that led to their academic decline, as well as opportunities for success moving forward. We take into account the efforts that students have taken to address their difficulties as well as the academic progress that they have made. Ultimately, we consider whether or not UConn is the best place for them to be at this particular point in time.

If a student is dismissed from the University of Connecticut there are options for returning at a later date and we will work with those students who intend to return so that they may resume their studies with the best possible chance of future success.