Important Things to Know


Good Standing:

Students who earn a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher are in good standing.
Warning: Warning notifications will be sent to students in good standing who have completed their first or second semester with less than a 2.0 semester grade point average.


Students who have earned 23 or fewer credits at the University of Connecticut and have a semester GPA of lower than 1.8 will be placed on probation.

Students who have earned 24 or more credits at the University of Connecticut and have a semester or cumulative GPA of lower than 2.0 will be placed on probation.


Students who are on probation for two consecutive semesters, not including summer and winter intersession, are subject to dismissal. However, a student who earns a semester GPA of at least 2.3, even if their cumulative GPA is less than 2.0, will not be subject to dismissal, though they will remain on probation.

Please note: First semester Ratcliffe Hicks students are subject to dismissal from the University if their semester grade point average is less than 1.2.


Incomplete Grades

Please keep in mind that should you have any incomplete grades, such as I, X or N, your GPA will be calculated using the grades that are posted. Each incomplete grade will carry a GPA of 0.0.  If no final grades are posted, you will be considered to have a semester GPA of 0.0.

If you complete your outstanding work and a final grade is posted, this may raise your grade point average above the minimum standards required for you to be in good standing. In such a case, the Registrar will recalculate your GPA and your probationary status will be rescinded. If a grade change puts you in good standing any time during the dismissal appeal period please email to inquire about next steps.

If the incomplete grade or grades remain on your transcript during the dismissal appeal period, please keep in mind that when reviewing your appeal, advisors will take into account the impact on your subsequent semester’s workload that having to complete courses from the previous semester will have.

Once final grades have been posted for any incomplete grades, your academic standing will be updated accordingly.

Continuing on Scholastic Probation

If you are approved to continue as a matriculated student, you will remain on scholastic probation while either your semester or cumulative GPA is below 2.0. You will also be limited to 14 credits per semester until you return to good standing. You may also be subject to additional academic conditions as set down by your dean’s designee at the Storrs campus or your Student Service director if you attend a regional campus.  If you do not earn a grade point average of 2.0 or higher at the end of the next semester, you will be subject to dismissal again.

Summer and Winter Intersession Courses

The following rules apply to dismissed student taking courses in the summer or winter.

  • Summer and winter sessions are not regular academic semesters and do not carry individual academic standings. 
  • If a student is registered for a summer or winter course at the time of dismissal, the student will remain registered for the course.
    • Note: their status in these courses will be changed to “Non-degree”, and the courses and grades will appear on the non-degree section of their UConn transcript (i.e., students will earn non-degree credit for these courses).
    • IMPORTANT: A student’s dismissal will not result in being automatically dropped from these courses. The student must withdraw from courses by the drop deadline to receive a refund of course fees, otherwise they will be responsible for the full cost of any course which they remain registered for.
    • If a student wishes to drop any Summer or Winter Session course, it is the student’s responsibility to do so by the end of the add/drop period. Any questions may be directed to the Office of Summer and Winter Programs:
  • While students must wait until two weeks before the beginning of the semester to register for Fall and Winter courses, they can register for Summer and Winter courses at the same time as all other students. Go to Summer/Winter Programs for information on course offerings and registration dates.
  • When planning for readmission after dismissal, students must note that summer and winter sessions are not counted towards the minimum number of semesters that students must remain away after having been dismissed.
  • Courses taken during summer and winter intersessions do, however, count towards any credit requirements that academic programs might require for readmission.

      If you have questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 860-486-3331.

      Permission to take non-degree coursework

      Students dismissed from the University of Connecticut may still have the opportunity to enroll in undergraduate level credit courses at the University as a non-degree (non-matriculated) student. These courses may be used to determine readmission to the University or as transfer credits at another institution.  A University of Connecticut degree-seeking student dismissed from their degree program must apply as non-degree student and obtain written permission from their previous program to register as a non-degree student each semester. Permission may be given for up to 8 credits per semester and is required for each semester of non-degree enrollment.  To apply as a non-degree student, please visit the Non-Degree website . To schedule an appointment to discuss enrolling in classes as a non-degree student, and to obtain permission to register, contact a Non-Degree advisor at the campus at which you seek to take classes.

      International Students

      If you are an international student you may not continue at the University as a non-matriculated student. Please contact International Student and Scholar Services  or phone (860) 486-3855 for guidance.

      Readmission after Dismissal

      If you do not appeal your dismissal or your appeal is unsuccessful and you are dismissed from the University, or if you decide to withdraw from the university after becoming subject to dismissal, you may request an evaluation for readmission at a later date. Students who have been dismissed may apply for readmission no sooner than one semester following their first dismissal (effective Fall 2024). Application for readmission is through the Dean of Students Office. Readmission is not guaranteed but will be considered favorably when you show concrete evidence that you can be academically successful. For information regarding enrollment as a non-degree student, go to the non-degree page.  Go to the Planning for Readmission page for a full explanation of the readmission process.

      Ratcliffe-Hicks Students

      Ratcliffe-Hicks students seeking readmission should contact Kristen Dostaler.

      Fee Bills

      You may receive a fee bill for the next semester before final dismissal decisions are made. You will receive the bill because students subject to dismissal remain matriculated until a decision on their dismissal appeal is finalized.  If you choose to pay your fee bill before final decisions are made and you are subsequently dismissed, the University will refund your payment. If you do not pay your fee bill before final decisions are made and are you are retained, you will be required to pay your fee bill in full by the deadline set down by the Office of the Bursar, if you plan to remain matriculated at the University of Connecticut.  Please follow the instructions outlined by the Office of the Bursar to ensure that your fee bill is paid by the due date. Please go to for more information.

      Financial Aid

      If you have received correspondence from the Office of Student Financial Aid Services informing you that you did not meet the University’s minimum satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards, please review the correspondence carefully and go to for guidance on their appeal process.  IMPORTANT: Financial Aid and scholastic dismissal appeal decisions and processes are separate and independent. Students must submit both a dismissal appeal and a SAP appeal if they find themselves in both of these processes.

      Residence Hall Information

      If you have housing on the Storrs or Stamford campuses and are dismissed from the University of Connecticut, you are not eligible to live on campus. If you currently have housing and you do not appeal your dismissal, or if your appeal is not successful, your room assignment will be canceled. Once your cancellation is processed, you will receive instructions on how to check out of your residence hall. Please check your UConn email.

      Residents are expected to move out the day following notification of their housing cancellation.  Failure to remove your belongings and return your keys within the timeframe indicated by Residential Life may result in lock change and housekeeping fees.

      You may apply for housing upon your readmission, though please be aware that readmitted students are not guaranteed housing.